House Raising

Raising your house so that it is above flood levels is an effective way to prevent future flood damage. A significant decision such as this requires the right expertise. Comal has an impressive resume of house raising projects and has become one of the most trusted engineering firms when it comes to this type of design work. Contact us to learn more if this is something you are considering for your home.

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Structural Assessments and Feasibility Studies

Flooding can cause extensive damage to a house.  Countless numbers are affected by it with each hurricane or heavy rain event.  The time and cost to repair is significant.  Elevating the house out of the flood plain and above flood waters is a way to guarantee flood waters will never damage a house again.  This is a significant investment but for many homeowners, there is financial assistance through programs such as the Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant Program (FMA) and the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP).